Monday 7 January 2013

astral projection... almost....

Hello everyone, out there.


Today I'm going to relate an experience  that I had when I was younger around the age of 12 maybe 13 or 14 . Anyway what happened was that I had become interested in meditation. so I began meditating 
everyday for around twenty to thirty minutes.

During these meditation sessions I would sometimes try to release my consciousness out from my body. I would do this by putting all my mental will power into it by repeating the phrase release from body, release from body. I did that with passion and focus over and over again. Until one day when I did it I felt an instance of pure calmness suddenly followed by this really freaky pulling, sucking feeling like my soul was being pulled or stretched out of my body this feeling was so powerful and intense that it literally had me asking myself what the hell was that. 

Any way because this sensation was so freaky and mind you, totally unexpected, I panicked and as a result it completely destroyed the calm, focused and meditative state I was in. 

I believe if I had just ignored the feeling and just went with it I would have successfully astral traveled

Now you might be asking why would someone of that age try to astrally project but honestly at the time I didn't know what I was doing I just more or less decided one day to do that , I guess what I'm really trying to say was I feel that I was guided more by instinct than some conscious thought to do what I did.

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