Wednesday 12 September 2012

Freaky dream

Last night I was kinda fed up with not knowing what was going on with these entities and me (I believe I may be being taken by 'them'). 

I did something that I think I shouldn't have done, I decided to contact them . I did this by going into a meditative state and requesting that they prove themselves to be real by showing their craft to me during daylight hours instead of the usual nocturnal flybys and allowing me to take a picture of the craft as proof to me that what was/is happening to me is real.  As of yet this request has not been fulfilled.

But this brings me to the topic at hand I had a strange dream this morning (I sleep during the day most of the time) NOW I would like to clearly state right now that this was just dream and only a dream, but none the less this dream had a quality to it that only happens when there's some kind of message that needs to be realised. 

The following is what happened in the dream.

I was walking alone along a dirt road during the day and I was thinking about and seeing images like on a computer screen of alien abductions when I suddenly became apprehensive because I could sense something. That was approaching my location with great speed. I looked up to see a craft flying by above the tree tops very quickly and as it did I felt a deep humming and pulsating energy that was being emitted by the craft. and it reverberated through out my body.

The feeling was quickly replaced by a debilitating paralysis that forced me onto the ground in a forced down kneeling position and I looked forward in front of me to see a diamond/triangle shaped craft land 20 to 50 metres ahead. The top of the craft opened and a large muscular and tall entity stepped out of it the being had a suit on and it had orange/reddish complexioned skin it didn't have any hair. 

I tried to say hello to it but nothing came out except a croaking, gasping sound that had the faintest sense of a word. The being than started walking toward me by the time it had gotten to me I was completely laying down on the ground paralysed. When the being had arrived it bent over and grabbed my clothes around the shoulder area and started dragging me to the craft . There was a grey in the craft wearing suit as well but nothing much happens after being dragged inside. 

I then woke up.

This dream Kinda freaked me out because I think it was a message perhaps a warning that someone or something is going to get me. I only say this because the quality is consistent with other dream messages I have gotten....

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